All products are accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis and are routinely tested by an independent testing lab, guaranteeing quality and consistency.
Our complete product comprehensive catalog is available here on the website which is an educational tool and It includes information on products we offer, including: a product description, its active substances, the standardization percentages, plant physiology, its active properties, historical uses, processing, toxicity, cautions or contra-indications, directions for use, sample analyses, and structure and function.
Click here to download our Catalog
For further development of the market, we look for general importers, wholesaler, distributors, agent and representative in various countries. More information about our company, associates and our products is available. We appreciate any opportunity to expand on business and welcome your valuable patronage.
Essential oils are odouriferous, volatile components of plant origin that contribute the characteristic aroma.
Essential oils are odouriferous, volatile components of plant origin that contribute the characteristic aroma. They are generally recovered from various plant parts by steam distillation and also with Super Critical Fluid Extraction (SCFE), the most advanced extraction technology. Similarly, vacuum fractional distillation can produce concentrates. Essential Oils represent the aroma of spices or plant, do not impart colour to the end product, provide uniform flavour profile, free from enzymes and tannins and microbiologically stable.
All our high quality products are extracted from fresh handpicked natural flowers. The concrete is extracted out of these flowers using food grade hexane. The miscella is evaporated using a falling film evaporator. This process ensures the optimum temperature that does not spoil the quality of the concrete. Finally the concrete is drained through a concentrator under vacuum and Nitrogen purging is given to get the best quality.