Description : It is a small plant with an erect stem but sometimes branched. The leaves of this herbaceous plant are heteromorphous, as the lowest leaves have long petioles and the uppermost leaves are amplexicaul. The flowers are violet or blue in colour. The fruit follicles are 16-18 cm long.
Atees as it called is considered as an effective ayurvedic medicine for the treatment.
It is small plant that is naturally thrives in North West Himalayas found on the altitudes ranging from 2000 to 4000 m.
Uses :
- Atees has been used from centuries to cure various diseases externally and internally as well.
- Externally the crushed leaves and seeds are used to be applied on the throat to treat tonsillitis.
- For Internal uses the juice of Atees roots along with milk is considered as an expectorant. The root powder of this plant is taken orally to cure cervical lymphadenitis.
- The seeds and roots of Atees help in making digestive system strong.
- Seeds are also thought to have diuretic properties which help in alleviating the burning sensation in urinary tract and increase the intensity of urine.