Essential Oil
Deascription : often referred as “king of spice”, black pepper is incredibly popular spice since ancient times. Peppercorn is native to the tropical evergreen rain forest of South Indian state, Kerala, from where it spread to rest of the world through Indian and Arab traders. Pepper fruit, also known as the peppercorn, is actually a berry obtained from pepper plant.
Botanically, peppercorn belongs to the family of Piperaceae, in the genus of piper and known scientifically as Piper nigrum. It is a perennial vine and climber that requires supporting trellies (tree or pole) to grow in height; thus it has similar growth characteristics as that of beetle leaf plant. The pepper plant begins producing small round berries after about three to four years of plantation. Technically, the pepper berry is a friuit (drupe), measuring about 5-6 mm in diameter, enclosing a single large seed at its center.
Uses : Piper Nigrum or Black pepper oil can be used to help in the treatment of pain relief, rheumatism, chills, flu, colds, increase circulation, exhaustion, muscular aches, physical and emotional coldness, nerve tonic and fevers. It furthermore increases the flow of saliva, stimulates appetite, encourages peristalsis, tones the colon muscles and is a general digestive tonic. Sometimes it is used in place of cubebs for gonorrhoea. As a gargle it is valued for relaxed uvula, paralysis of the tongue. On account of its stimulant action it aids digestion and is especially useful in atonic dyspepsia and turbid condition of the stomach. It will correct flatulence and nausea. It has also been used in vertigo, paralytic and arthritic disorders. It has also been advised in diarrhoea, cholera, scarlatina and in solution for a wash for tinea capititis. Externally it is used for its rubefacient properties and as a local application for relaxed sore throat and some skin diseases. Its oleoresin has bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties.
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Pepper increases the hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach, thereby facilitating digestion. Proper digestion is essential to avoid diarrhea, constipation and colic. Pepper also helps to prevent the formation of intestinal gas, and when added to a person’s diet, it can promote sweating and urination, which remove toxins from the body. Sweating removes toxins and cleans out the pores of any foreign bodies that may have lodged there, and it can also remove excess water or accumulation, also known as edema. In terms ofurination, you can remove uric acid, urea, excess water, and fat, since 4% of urine is made of fat. For digestion, inducing digestion can help you lose weight and increase the overall functioning of your body and prevent various gastrointestinal conditions and colorectal cancer. Its ability to expel gas is because black pepper is a carminative, which forces gas out of the body in a healthy, downward motion, rather than pressing upwards in a dangerous way and straining the upper chest cavity and vital organs. It also inhibits more gas from forming in the body.